Thursday, October 02, 2008 |
133 - Obama's America vs. McCain's America: Ten Reasons Undecideds
Should Choose Obama
Usually on Blast The Right you hear me condemn right-wing ideology
and policies. Not only the theory, but the negative effect of
right-wing rule on flesh-and-blood humans.
Then the idea is, you use the information to win the water cooler
wars, to "blast the right."
With just about a month to go before the election, arguing with
right-wingers isn't the most productive use of your time now, I
don't think.
This presidential election could well be razor-tight. The polls
consistently indicate that 4-8% of the electorate says they're
undecided. And what really struck me, up to a total of 18% say they
could still change their mind.
So in this podcast I'm going to set out Ten Reasons undecideds and
persuadables should choose Obama, hopefully in a way undecideds and
persuadables will find convincing.
A bit softer in tone and rhetoric than usual, since undecided voters
are generally ideological and want "Just the facts,
The ten reasons cover the following areas:
1. Proper Role of Government
2. Supreme Court
3. Right To Choose
4. Taxes
5. Minimum Wage
6. Unions
7. Health Care
8. Safeguarding Our Food, Water & Air
9. Presidential Vetoes
10. War and Peace
Links promised in show:
undecided voters
Check your voter
registration/register to vote
Transcript as a Word document
Sources |
September 18, 2008
132 - Right-Wing Deception Is Exemplified By Sarah Palin And John
McCain: A Case Study In Earmarks
Today, you'll hear all about earmarks, one of John McCain's pet
Sarah Palin claims to be a reformer, yet she is the Empress of
Earmarks, requesting this year more per capita than the governor of
any other state.
Would it surprise you to learn that McCain seems quite confused
about the facts, and that Palin is clearly outright lying?
Plenty of clips of these two esteemed elected officials to keep your
blood boiling.
Bonus points: Can you guess whether it's the Blue States or the Red
States which overall take far more out of the federal Treasury than
they put in? Listen to find out the answer...
(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine, but at
least do me the courtesy of listening to the podcast first. Please
don't respond just on the basis of the brief preview above.
Transcript as a Word document
Sources |
