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Saturday, August 28, 2004 America's Failing HealthThe fact is that the mainly private U.S. health care system spends far more than the mainly public health care systems of other advanced countries, but gets worse results. In 2001, we spent $4,887 on health care per capita, compared with $2,792 in Canada and $2,561 in France. Yet the U.S. does worse than either country by any measure of health care success you care to name - life expectancy, infant mortality, whatever. (At its best, U.S. health care is the best in the world. But the ranks of Americans who can't afford the best, and may have no insurance at all, are large and growing.)When the right-wingers snidely allude to the long waiting lists for certain types of car in those universal care systems, they are, as usual, blowing it out the wrong end. Because those long waits are from the low per capita amount those countries spend. I think that at our per capita level, there would be no wait at all, and first-class care for all. > U.S. Report on Violence in Sudan Finds a 'Pattern of Atrocities'A preliminary State Department review of the violence waged in the Darfur region of Sudan has implicated government-backed militias in 'a consistent and widespread pattern of atrocities,' including murder, torture, rape and ethnic humiliation.Every time I read something like this my blood boils. F**k that legal standard of genocide, what difference does it make regarding our moral obligation to STOP IT! Post #109375571952273318 Here's an entry in the "what will be the October surprise" derby: Sistani asks U.S. troops to leave, and Bush says OK, we've done our job. Now, this is all a set-up so that Bush will have a great pre-election boost. Then after the election, there will be some terrorist act in Iraq, such that Al-Sistani calls on the U.S. to stay a little longer. Far-fetched? Well, remember that deal the Republicans made with the Iranians not to release the hostages before the election? Post #109375488426378842 Wow, check out the sophisticated PR effort of the Chavez government. Good for them. Not only the Bushians should be adept at PR. (Don't skip the intro, watch it, it's a Flash series of print ad reproductions) Post #109374337865965558 On this eve of the big NYC protest, I wonder if the whole scenario to date isn't a Karl Rove plan: pick NYC in the hopes there will be massive demos + deny protesters a suitable rally site = chaos and violence like Chicago '68, with the country reacting the same, blaming the protesters if not also the Democrats (in either case bolstering Bush). Post #109374316891851731 Labor Department Wins $1.9 Million in Back Pay for JanitorsThe United States Department of Labor announced yesterday that it had reached a $1.9 million settlement with a contractor for the Target Corporation after finding that the contractor had not paid overtime to hundreds of immigrant janitors who often worked seven nights a week cleaning Target stores.A person is truly the lowest of the low if they rip off the poorest of the poor. Post #109374295156620358 When people say Bush has lost a net 1.1 million jobs, they are seriously underestimating the problem. Since apparently 150,000 jobs need to be added each month just to keep up with population growth, in Bush's 44 months to date we would have needed 6.6 million jobs to stay even. So combine 1.1 net loss plus 6.6 need to stay even, and the situation is that under Bush, there are 7.7 million fewer jobs now than needed for us to be in the same place we were at the day he took office. Post #109374226378993652 Further on my pipedream wish to have the Red and Blue states separate into two separate nations: I'd been thinking it would be a mutual thing, but hey, isn't there some way a majority of states can expel others from the union? (Probably not). Post #109374120126555810 Praying for Sistani's Good Health Finally some solid information, not just the usual calling of Sadr a lunatic and/or a thug. (alternative link) Post #109374079020317150 Beyond Hero-WorshipA front-page New York Times story the other day referred to Sen. John McCain as 'the most popular national political figure in the country.' McCain built his career in politics while news accounts routinely described him as a 'war hero,' with frequent references to the captivity and torture that he withstood for years after a North Vietnamese missile brought him down from a plane he was piloting over Hanoi. Media outlets rarely put a fine point on the fact that McCain had been dropping bombs on civilians.A point I take to its logical conclusion here. Post #109373906392112235 Damaged Goods: How Far Will Republicans Go to Hold Onto Power?The Bush crowd is smart and skillful, and above all devious. They have demonstrated that to hold on to power, they will do anything. In the background chatter of Washington, a real worry is expressed that the White House might put the bombers aloft and strike somewhere in a supposed emergency -- maybe take out Iran's nuclear program? -- to change the subject big-time and to scare the bejeezus out of American voters just before the election.Never underestimate the ignorance-based imbecility of a large swath of the American public. Post #109373896184757883 Kissinger Backed Dirty War Against Left in ArgentinaHenry Kissinger gave Argentina's military junta the green light to suppress political opposition at the start of the 'dirty war' in 1976, telling the country's foreign minister: 'If there are things that have to be done, you should do them quickly,' according to newly-declassified documents published yesterday.The piece of shit mass murdering war criminal should have been rotting in jail for two decades already, not be a figure accorded respect and deference by the corporate toady media scum who kowtow to him whenever he's on their program (Greta, you listening?!). Post #109373860028591203 Friday, August 27, 2004 I've been to a million demos, organized civil disobediances against Reagan's aid to the contras. But it seems to me that the 250,000 people who may be protesting in the streets of New York could far better spend their time by each registering 5 people to vote and then on election day making sure they vote. Of course, if the demonstrators have time to do both, then go demonstrate. On the other hand, skip the demo and register 10 people, not 5! And then after the election, we'll demonstrate against President Kerry to get the hell out of Iraq. I imagine he'll be much more amenable to persuasion than a second term, no-worries-about-reelection Bush. Bush's Father Foresaw Costs of Iraq WarNot many people foresaw the postwar difficulties the administration has endured in Iraq.For an AP article, this is inexcusable ignorance. In the leadup to the war, countless experts warned of just such a postwar situation as is now the case. Post #109366703068933985 Pinochet Once Again in the Hands of the CourtsThe path is now clear to establish his share of responsibility in Operation Condor, the strategy by which South American de facto military regimes coordinated the repression of political opponents in the 1970s and 1980s.What a shame it is that this mass murderer has never been brought to justice. He's already 88 and has gotten away with it for all intents and purposes. Post #109366672545544337 Thursday, August 26, 2004 What Would Dukakis Do?The most urgent task is to inoculate Kerry against the damage looming directly around corner at the Republican convention. It is completely transparent that Rove put the convention in New York in part to replicate Chicago 1968, and the Left is obligingly preparing to do its part assisting in the further destruction of the Kerry campaign. Kerry must urgently and frequently broadcast his opposition to violent protest, disassociate himself from the same, blame Bush for dividing America, and do all this now.Kerry's failure to do these two things could be the final nails in his electoral coffin. What Would Dukakis Do?When will Democrats learn?Expresses my dismay at Kerry perfectly. Post #109358280725263658 Get Mad. Act Out. Re-Elect George BushIf resistance against Bush actually plays into Bush's hands, is it really resistance?Food for thought. Post #109358250272979284 A Ruinous Trap of Their Own MakingAnother conservative turned looney-left. Post #109358160958564947 Focusing On Undecided Voters: Not A Very Swift IdeaAccording to a new poll by the National Annenberg Election Survey, 46 percent of undecided and persuadable voters say they find the group's vile ads 'very or somewhat believable'.Voters who are still "undecided" are dullards at best. Post #109358127373892033 What Would Machiavelli Do? The Big Lie Lives On Thom Hartmann is so damn brilliant. Read this! Post #109358093802763284 Father of dead Marine sets fire to military van, is severely burned: South Florida Sun-Sentinel Happy, George? Post #109357933449766437 Ranks of Poor, Uninsured Rose in 2003The number of Americans living in poverty increased by 1.3 million last year, while the ranks of the uninsured swelled by 1.4 million, the Census Bureau reported Thursday.The Bushian assault on the middle class, working class and poor continues. But KERRY DIDN'T DESERVE HIS MEDALS, HE DUPED THE NAVY INTO GIVING HIM 5 MEDALS, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Post #109357917155350899 Wednesday, August 25, 2004 It needs to be asked once again, is Hannity stupid, or a deliberate liar. He keeps repeating his spiel that since Kerry "was told" about atrocities in Vietnam, shouldn't he have reported them, and if he didn't report them, isn't he complicit in the atrocities, and unfit to be commander-in-chief. But surely Hannity knows, and guests have said this to his face, that Kerry did not say that while he was in Vietnam, soldiers came and told him about atrocities they had committed. The misleadingly excerpted clip that Hannity plays, where Kerry gives a litany of atrocities, was from a Congressional hearing where Kerry was reporting what veterans had testified to publicly at a hearing in Detroit. So obviously there was nothing for Kerry to report to anyone, since the veterans were reporting these atrocities publicly and after Kerry had already left the service. But Hannity, shameless as always, continues with his "why didn't he report these atrocities" spiel. Sean Hannity was hoist upon his own petard this evening. He was happily interviewing a Vietnam veteran who had turned his back to John Kerry while Kerry was addressing a veteran's group. Hannity started into his spiel about how Kerry needs to apologize to all Vietnam vets for claiming that U.S. troops committed atrocities in Vietnam. Hannity asked the vet if he had ever, while in Vietnam, heard of any atrocities being committed. The vet was taken aback, hemmed and hawed, and finally said yes. Hannity clearly didn't like that answer, as he doesn't like any answer that reflects the truth of a situation that Hannity is trying to lie about. Post #109349230210693578 Tuesday, August 24, 2004 Police Brace for Unauthorized Convention Protest in Central ParkOfficials are quietly making plans to police spontaneous protests in Central Park on the eve of the Republican National Convention - expecting thousands of demonstrators to converge on the vast urban parkland regardless of the outcome of this week's court battles.Bloomberg is denying the park permit because he wants to foment chaos, which will play into support for the Repubicans in the "heartland." They'd Be More Truthful If They Called Themselves 'Swift Boat Veterans for Lies' Actually, my name for them is even better: Swift Boat Liars for Bush. Post #109340729402477436 Observers See Eerie Parallels in Attacks on Kerry, McCainFour years ago, as George Bush struggled in the polls, supporters of his bid for the Republican presidential nomination unleashed a ferocious attack on rival John McCain, questioning his commitment to veterans and his fitness to serve.Bush did something similar to Ann Richards also, as the article mentions. Bush keeps getting away with it. When will people wisen up? Oh, I forgot, they're Red State cretins and have no ability to wisen up. Post #109340697492159543 The following are interesting stats from a Kerry campaign email: Post #109338909751619019 Monday, August 23, 2004 How the Mighty Post has FallenTen days ago, when the Post ran a 3,000 word front-page post-mortem of its coverage of the run-up to the war in Iraq, Nixon popped into my head. Talk about bad timing. The guy couldn't get a break. Had his team pulled the same Watergate stunt today, the Post probably would have buried the story in the back of the A-section and given front-page play to his latest pronouncements on the "peace" negotiations with North Vietnam.Terrific analogy. Anti-Terrorism Tip: Quit Spying on Nonviolent ActivistsWith Al Qaeda and similar terrorists bent on murdering as many ordinary Americans as possible, why would the FBI divert resources and personnel to protesters and nonviolent civil disobedients?Great questions. Post #109332103867421797 Kerry Wounded by Friendly FireNine months and two days after the army changed the regulations so that married men with no children were no longer exempt, Cheney had his first child, Elizabeth, bringing a whole new meaning to the term family planning.Every time I read this, it amazes me afresh. Post #109332084548655088 Sunday, August 22, 2004 Retro vs. MetroThe Great Divide offers a unique geopolitical view that explains both the origin and nature of the divide that characterizes contemporary America.An entire book that supports the position I've advocated for years: the Red and Blue States should split and form two separate nations. This page, Retro vs. Metro : What is Retro? What is Metro?, has a bunch of great facts. The site's "dupometer" is a high tech version of my "Right-Winger's IQ (Ignorance Quotient) Test".
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