Thursday, April 01, 2010
165 - Health Care Vote Post-Game Show: The Right-Wing Is Down, But Not Out (And Lying Even More Than Usual, If That's Possible)
Today, we'll dissect the right-wing's still-continuing lies and hypocrisy about the recently passed health care legislation. This will lead us into a broader discussion of social and economic justice, and the right-wing's aversion to both.
Did you know the right has its own sociopathic credo, called Social Darwinism? This is among the gems you'll discover as you listen to the the show. Lots of cold hard facts as well, in order to better discombobulate your friendly local right-winger.
As an added bonus, you'll have the pleasure of listening to select audio clips of such wonderful human beings as Ronald Reagan, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. Don't worry, a strong dose of FDR oratory will wash away any bad taste caused by the aforementioned master propagandists of the right.
(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine, but at least do me the courtesy of listening to the podcast first. Please don't respond just on the basis of the brief preview above. Thanks!!)
Scheduling note: episodes of Blast The Right will be posted every three weeks.
Jack Clark 10:15 PM
Post #489148255547961523
to Jack and other listeners! (a separate
show from numbered shows to the left)
Live shows are currently on hiatus. In the meantime, listen to Jack debate Jenn from
www.screwliberals.com Debate