Thursday, March 06, 2008
118 - Blasting, Ever So Gently, Wayward Progressives: Why Nader Supporters Should Rethink Their Position
Ralph Nader recently announced he's running yet again this year for President. I originally thought a segment on that would be a QuickBlast, maybe 2 or 3 minutes.
But the more I thought about it, the more things I realized I had to say.
And the more important I realized the subject was.
What you're about to hear has a wider applicability than just Ralph Nader, and a more durable shelf-life than just this year's election.
It applies to everyone thinking of third party voting in '08, and beyond; to everyone who denigrates electoral politics, this year and thereafter; to everyone who is contemptuous of strategic voting when worldwide life and death issues are at stake, now and in the future.
Discussing the Nader candidacy also provides you and me the opportunity to review what 8 years of right-wing rule has actually meant, not just in theory, but to flesh and blood humans. And hence to establish the stratosphere-high stakes in the '08 elections.
If a runaway train is heading towards you, all you want first thing, is it to be stopped. You don't care if the person stopping it is a great person, you don't care whether they'll reverse the train, if they understand how to prevent runaway trains, or if they'll improve our national rail system.
First and foremost, right now, you just want the damn train stopped in its tracks.
You and I are facing a runaway train, the right-wing project to transform this country into a system of economic feudalism and soft fascism. Another 8 years of right-wing control of the reins of government, and we may well be past the point of no return.
So the mantra today is, stop the runaway train! Cast a vote that will serve to eject the right-wing from control of our government.
Stopping the runaway train is job #1 now, without which we may well be unable to do any other job.
Voting for Nader doesn't accomplish that, and could produce the exact opposite result.
Persuading Nader voters to vote Democratic may well be one of the most direct, effective ways to Blast The Right in the next 8 months...
In the podcast, I'll give you cold hard polling numbers from 2000 that prove Nader cost Gore the election.
You'll hear why supporting Nader is completely illogical.
I'll sketch for you some of the real policy differences between right-wingers and Democrats, not least of which is what will happen to the Supreme Court.
And, I'll let you know in no uncertain terms what gets me the most furious at Nader supporters who say they don’t care if their actions wind up electing a right-winger: It's their cavalier attitude towards the suffering of others.
I'll detail for you some of the additional human misery, suffering, pain and death that will be inflicted on the innocent in a continuation of right-wing rule, compared to even an admittedly-flawed Democratic administration.
A bonus: I've included in this feed, the "Ralf Na'dir" strip by my friend, syndicated cartoonist Matt Bors.
(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine, but at least do me the courtesy of listening to the podcast first. Please don't respond just on the basis of the brief preview above. Thanks!!)
Programming note: Until April, there will most likely not be live shows on alternate weeks.
Jack Clark 2:27 PM
Post #7392399578177058015
to Jack and other listeners! (a separate
show from numbered shows to the left)
Live shows will resume in the summer. Meanwhile, listen to Jack debate Jenn from
www.screwliberals.com Debate