Thursday, January 24, 2008
115 - Blasting The Right Basics: Countering Five Pervasive Right-Wing Falsehoods
Today, a really big change of pace. You'll be treated not to one subject in depth, or even two topics with extended segments.
No, today I have 5 QuickBlasts for you, in the areas of foreign policy, taxation, regulation of business and health care.
Let's get right into it.
Sometimes you don't need long permutations and combinations of an issue, you just need a solid fact or two to whack a right-winger upside the head -- intellectually, not physically of course -- so as to get their attention, and maybe knock some sense into them, penetrate that thick wall of denial and unreality that so many right-wingers have surrounding their brains.
Sometimes less is more.
This will be like a short, intense 5 round fight.
In one corner, progressive truth. In the other corner, right-wing distortions, half-truths and outright lies you currently hear bandied about on the corporate media.
Are you ready to rumble?
The fight card:
Round 1: Right-wing lies about why we went to war in Iraq
Round 2: The Republican claim that Democrats don't support the troops, and that the military community is behind President Bush
Round 3: Another campaign lie: Democrats want to raise your taxes
Round 4: Nonsensical right-wing policy position: there's too much government regulation of business
Round 5: Another nonsensical right-wing policy claim: we already have the best health care system in the world
If you want to see the right-wing get knocked silly, if not knocked out completely, just listen to the podcast.
(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine, but at least do me the courtesy of listening to the podcast first. Please don't respond just on the basis of the brief preview above. Thanks!!)
Programming note: Until February, there will most likely not be live shows on alternate weeks.
Jack Clark 3:14 PM
Post #3511877303907938015
to Jack and other listeners! (a separate
show from numbered shows to the left)
Live shows will resume in the new year. Meanwhile, listen to Jack debate Jenn from
www.screwliberals.com Debate