Thursday, May 04, 2006
40 - Iraq: More Expensive Than Vietnam, And The Right-Wing Gladly Reaps The Benefits / How To Respond To Right-Wing Insults
The skyrocketing costs of the Iraq War don't bother right-wingers, in fact quite the contrary, because these expenditures further two of the right's main goals. What are those goals? Hint: greed, and cutting off assistance to the "least of these," are involved.
Right-wingers spew out at progressives the same insults over and over again. How do I suggest responding? We'll go through a doozy of an email from a right-winger, point by ludicrous point.
Jack Clark 2:20 PM
Post #114671253020721020
to Jack and other listeners!
Monday, May 7 7-8 pm PST
Blog Talk Radio