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Sunday, August 21, 2005

London Inquiry Refutes Police in Their Killing of Menezes

In case you missed this last week:
An official investigation was reported Tuesday to have directly contradicted the police account of the killing of a young Brazilian man after the bombing attempts in London on July 21, including the assertion that he had been fleeing officers when he was shot.

...At the time, the police said Mr. Menezes wore a bulky jacket on a hot day, began running from officers despite commands to halt, vaulted the ticket turnstile and ran stumbling onto the subway train.

On Tuesday, however, a news report on British television said an inquiry led by the Independent Police Complaints Commission had contradicted every one of those points. The report said that the officers had misidentified Mr. Menezes as one of the failed July 21 attackers and that he was killed even though he walked into the subway station wearing a light denim jacket, did not vault the turnstile and was sitting on the train when the officers moved in.
There you have it: NO bulky jacket, NO fleeing, NO vaulting a turnstile. Nice to see that the British police sometimes lie as well as American ones sometimes do. Has a Bushian infiltrated Scotland yard?

Jack Clark 9:59 PM [+]  
Post #112468679918992938

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