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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

College Aid: Bush Assault on Working and Middle Class Continues

[T]housands of American families might find it harder to qualify for financial aid this year and might be asked to contribute more money toward the cost of college because of changes to a complicated federal formula they barely know about, much less understand.

Taken together, these changes, some based on overly optimistic predictions of inflation, have required families to count a greater share of their incomes and assets toward college expenses before becoming eligible for financial aid. As a consequence, tens of thousands of low-income students will no longer be eligible for federal grants; middle-class families are digging deeper into their savings; and some colleges are putting up their own money to make up the difference.
While I'm much more concerned for the far more vulnerable poor, maybe members of the middle class will wake up and realize that their pittance of a tax cut compared to the rich is more than offset by other increased costs, like this one. Remember -- the Bushian Prime Directive is transfer wealth from everyone else to the rich, and use hot button cultural issues to distract everyone else from the fact that this reverse Robin Hood wealth transfer is occuring.

Jack Clark 9:09 PM [+]  
Post #111829018977863056

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