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Saturday, June 05, 2004 Was Susan Estrich drunk yesterday when substituting for Alan Colmes on Hannity & Colmes? Even by the standard of her usual sycophancy, she was over the top. She said, more than once, how much she liked Sean Hannity and guest Newt Gingrinch, how they were her friends. She kept leaning so far back in her chair that she was almost horizontal. At one point she was getting so buddy-buddy with Newt it looked like she was ready to jump over and give him a lap dance. She also made sure we knew that Ann Coulter, another guest, was her friend. She seemed to take great delight in stating that Air America was "failing." (I don't know that to be true in any case). Estrich is filling the role of compliant, house liberal so well, "Doormat" Colmes better watch out for his job. Addendum: I forgot to mention, Estrich said that people come up to her in the bathroom and ask her how she could work for Fox, and that she replies "Are you hiring me?" Estrich seemed very proud of that response. Estrich is a law professor at USC. What, is she starving? She's so desperate for money she has to hire herself out as a house liberal at Fox? As now reported concerning the recent floods in Haiti:The toll is more than 2,600 dead and missing in Haiti, 700 dead and missing over the border in the Dominican Republic. The missing are presumed dead.So Haiti lost as many people in the flood as we lost in 9/11. And Haiti's population is only about 7 million people, 1/40 of ours. So proportionally, it's like we had lost 120,000 people on 9/11. And Haiti is a desperately poor country. The victims' families won't be getting over $1 million each as have the 9/11 victims' families. So much was made of the world's sympathy for us after 9/11. Where is the world's outcry and sympathy and help for the Haitian victims? Virtually non-existent. A non-story. Are Haitians any less deserving of sympathy and aid than us? Are Haitians any less human than us? Any less children of God? Post #108648212568889406 The thought occurred to me that when the right-wing imbeciles prattle on mindlessly about how our country was founded on "Judeo-Christian principles" or (as Bill O'Reilly says in his inimitably obfuscatory fashion) "Judeo-Christian philosophy", nowhere in the Bible is the concept of democracy present. Enlightened despotism (kings) maybe, but no democracy. And isn't democracy the hallmark, the fundamental principle of our form of government? Interestingly though, there is one Judeo-Christian principle that is enshrined in the Constitution, although not one the right-wing pseudo-Christians would want to draw attention to. To what am I referring? Slavery. Both the Old and New Testaments condone holding human slaves, and, so does the Constitution. Post #108648158384299286 Searing Uncertainty for Iraqis Missing Loved OnesKhraisan al-Aballi, 39, a trader, said his family's home in Baghdad was raided by American troops on April 30, 2003, during the lawlessness that followed the American invasion. He said his brother, Duraid, 47, had mistaken the American soldiers firing their guns for thieves and might have fired back. Duraid was shot and, the last his brother saw him, was lying in the house bleeding from his right side.More of Rush Limbaugh's frat initiation-type pranks. Post #108648128798549759 The Fine Arts of Food and Politics, From a Gore VeteranThough she sometimes deplores the Republicans' rough-and-tumble campaign tactics, she says the Democrats need to adopt them. 'With the Democrats you always feel like you're fighting with one hand tied behind your back,' she said. 'They say, `You can't do that, Donna,' or, `Don't tell us you're doing it.' And I'm, like, `If you're going to level the playing field, you have to hit back just as hard.' 'Donna Brazile says this, but when she's on Fox, I certainly don't hear her hitting back very hard at all. If she's going to quote scripture, she should quote Matthew 25:31-46 and hit the right-wing pseudo-Christians back as hard as they so richly deserve to be hit. Post #108648096693803356 The dishonesty and propaganda-like nature of Fox is exemplified in Sean Hannity, who this week was still repeating the line that the prison torture in Iraq was limited to "7 or 10 or 12" soldiers. It's been crystal-clear for weeks that the abuse extended far beyond that, and to other prisons and countries. Post #108648064278522832 Ronald Reagan dead at 93 Just goes to show ya that the devil rules the world, not any just God. This mass murdering bastard (eg, Central America 1980's) lives until 93, while tens of thousands less than half that age were murdered with his approval. I was always hoping that he'd drop dead of a heart attack way back then. It's been a long wait. Post #108646972820892615 Friday, June 04, 2004 Local 226, 'the Culinary,' Makes Las Vegas the Land of the Living WageAsk people here why Las Vegas is the nation's fastest-growing city, and they point to the thriving casino industry and to its ever-growing appetite for workers.This is what happens when you have a strong union fighting for its members. Everybody wins. As opposed to when a Wal-Mart comes to town, small businesses die and wages are pushed down for everyone. Also check out this companion article. Liberal Activists Lukewarm on Kerry[T]he threat from Nader loomed over the meeting. Jorge Rogachevsky, a professor of Latin American studies at St. Mary's College in St. Mary's, Md., said his support was 'drifting' to Nader again because he believed Kerry was putting forward a right-of-center agenda, rather than reaching out to progressives.I'm wrestling with this too. Kerry has gotten me really annoyed, but then I think of looking at and listening to Bush for four more years... Post #108640840307276321 The Serious Implications Of President Bush's Hiring A Personal Outside Counsel For The Valerie Plame Investigation  /;This is by John Dean. A lot of speculation, but could portend the future. Post #108640827408725419 Democrats Seek Special Halliburton/Cheney CounselHouse Democrats urged a special counsel on Wednesday to probe whether Vice President Dick Cheney broke the law through any involvement in the award of a government contract in Iraq to his old company, Halliburton Co.Will this effort have legs? Post #108640820209841660 Negroponte's Record in Honduras Does not Inspire Confidence About His Appointment as US Ambassador to Iraq The mass murderers of the 1980's are resurrected to kill again. Post #108640696435274426 Beware of "Credible Intelligence" Exposure of how Ashcroft's recent warning was based on a claim by a one-guy-with-a-fax-machine "terrorist" organization. Also in here is info about Bush's counsel's warning to him that he could be prosecuted for war crimes if a subsequent adminstration interpreted the law differently than the Bushians. Post #108638908298322318 Thursday, June 03, 2004 NYT's Apologies Miss the Point Good piece on the mass media's longtime conservative tilt, using as one example what I've noted before, parroting the government line on Central America during the Reagan years. Tuesday, June 01, 2004 Media Fall Short on Iraq, VenezuelaThe Bush administration has been pushing for 'regime change' in Venezuela for years now, painting a false and exaggerated picture of the reality there. As in the case of Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction and links to Al-Qaeda, the Administration has gotten a lot of help from the media.Just like in Central America in the 80's, and all over the world all the time. Those Who Hate "Liberals" Really Hate a Free AmericaThe rightist 'conservative' media moguls who hate 'liberals' actually hate a free America.Great column! And nice to see the Foxian scum being exposed again and again. Post #108614862804836388 American Liberalism's Achilles Heel[T]he Democrats' timidity reveals a long-standing failure that haunts American liberalism. There is no fire in the belly, no smelling of blood. There is no willingness to move in to batter the wounded opponent so that the standard-bearer can step in and finish him and his misguided policies off in the fall. In short, there is no willingness to risk a little in order to maybe turn the country around.Boy, does he hit the nail on the head! Post #108614831071730056 A Political SacramentThe bishops -- indeed Pope John Paul II himself -- have repeatedly taught that Catholics, if they are to put their faith in action, must consider a wide range of issues involving economic and social justice when entering the voting booth.Let's see now, what did Jesus say about abortion. NOTHING. What did Jesus say about feeding the hungry? If you don't do it, you go to hell. There's nothing "conditional," or "opened to reasoned debate" about whether it's ok to let people starve to death. So instead of setting up the straw men of capital punishment and going to war, why doesn't this columnist talk about the life-and-death issues that right-wing pseudo-Christians do side with the Devil on? Post #108613249818462358 In Their 20's, Thinking About WarTo the Editor:How true. Indeed, had there been a universal draft with no deferments, I don't think the Bushians could have sold the war. Post #108613084910477760 The Public Editor: Weapons of Mass Destruction? Or Mass Distraction? Coming on the heels of the editors' mea culpa, this additional -- and extremely verbose -- apologia adds nothing. Too little too late, and galling for that reason. Post #108613072979624220 Scant Evidence Cited in Long Detention of IraqisHundreds of Iraqi prisoners were held in Abu Ghraib prison for prolonged periods despite a lack of evidence that they posed a security threat to American forces, according to an Army report completed last fall.Freedom of speech, Bushian style. Just what they'd like to do to us dissenters here. Post #108613058028393049 Fearing Terror, and the F.B.I. (2 Letters)To the Editor: Post #108613000726265419 More GenocideDemographers at the U.S. Agency for International Development estimate that at best, "only" 100,000 people will die in Darfur this year of malnutrition and disease. If things go badly, half a million will die.This is another powerful column by Nicholas Kristof on genocide in full sight the world is once more letting happen. Post #108612982739284643 NYTimes.com Review - Don't Tread on Joseph Wilson This is what Joseph Wilson in his book said about Sean Hannity:Sean Hannity was ''easily one of the least interesting people I have ever spoken to'' and he has ''no idea what he is talking about, at least on foreign policy, and does a great disservice to his audience.''Sounds accurate to me. This is Michael Kingsley on Bill O'Reilly:For several years, in the world of political journalism, David Brooks has been every liberal's favorite conservative. This is not just because he throws us a bone of agreement every now and then. Even the most poisonous propagandist (i.e., Bill O'Reilly) knows that trick."Poisonous propagandist" I like the ring of that. It's good to see these Foxian fearmongers being publicly called what they are. Post #108612963114383734 Agreement by U.S. and Rebels to End Fighting in NajafThe agreement, hammered out between Mr. Sadr and Iraqi leaders and approved by the Americans, requires that the fighters of the Mahdi Army get off the streets -- and if they are from other cities, to leave -- and for the Americans to pull most of their forces out of the city. The Americans can still maintain a handful of posts inside the city and send soldiers on patrol..."American officials" are shameless bs artists, aren't they? Post #108612936773846801 A Real Nuclear DangerWhile the Bush administration has been distracted by the invasion and occupation of Iraq, it has neglected the far more urgent threat to American security from dangerous nuclear materials that must be safeguarded before they can fall into the hands of terrorists. That is the inescapable conclusion to be drawn from a new report that documents the slow pace of protecting potential nuclear bomb material at loosely guarded sites around the world.It's either unbelievably gross negligence, or does the conduct of the Bushians rise to the level of intent? It's almost like those bastard Bushians want us to get nuked. If that happened, they could certainly declare martial law and cancel elections. Post #108612911872937582 Monday, May 31, 2004 Cheney Coordinated Halliburton Iraq Contract: ReportA Pentagon e-mail said Vice President Dick Cheney coordinated a huge Halliburton government contract for Iraq, despite Cheney's denial of interest in the company he ran until 2000.For this type of lie, can Cheney be impeached, or whatever it's called when you get rid of a sitting VP? The Marine's tale: 'We killed 30 civilians in six weeks. I felt we were committing genocide'"In a month and a half my platoon and I killed more than 30 civilians," Mr Massey said. He saw bodies being desecrated and robbed, and wounded civilians being dumped by the roadside without medical treatment. After he told his commanding officer that he felt "we were committing genocide", he was called a "wimp".This entire article is pretty intense. Post #108603301965333319 From Bush, Unprecedented Negativity: Scholars Say Campaign Is Making History With Often-Misleading AttacksThe charges were all tough, serious -- and wrong, or at least highly misleading. Kerry did not question the war on terrorism, has proposed repealing tax cuts only for those earning more than $200,000, supports wiretaps, has not endorsed a 50-cent gasoline tax increase in 10 years, and continues to support the education changes, albeit with modifications.If only the Bushian lie machine could be exposed to the general public in a way they'd understand... Post #108603228312163747 Gay supporters denied communion at Chicago Mass Jesus never said a word about abortion. He did say something very powerful about feeding the hungry and helping the sick: if you don't, you go to hell. So why don't the Bishops consider failing to help 11,000,000 children dying every year from hunger and/or preventable disease worthy of denying communion? Just asking. Post #108603141239940544 Some Find Ties to CIA, Baath Party WorrisomeAs leader of Iraq's interim government, Iyad Allawi will have to convince his countrymen that neither his long-ago membership in the Baath Party nor his longtime CIA connections will keep him from leading Iraq in just seven months to its first free elections.Yet another aspect of this fine gentleman: Exiled Allawi was Responsible for 45-Minute WMD ClaimThe choice of Iyad Allawi, closely linked to the CIA and formerly to MI6, as the Prime Minister of Iraq from 30 June will make it difficult for the US and Britain to persuade the rest of the world that he is capable of leading an independent government.Gee, you'd think this would disqualify him, but to the Bushians, it's probably a plus, since he gave them false ammo to beat the drums of war with. Post #108585614182773760 Prisoner Abuse Not Limited to Abu GhraibSeveral U.S. guards allege they witnessed military intelligence operatives encouraging the abuse of Iraqi prison inmates at four prisons other than Abu Ghraib, investigative documents show.Even Fox has to admit this now. Maybe soon even its own commentators like Sean Hannity will get the message and stop talking about 7 bad apples. Post #108585603365746628 Study: Al Qaeda Increasing in StrengthDespite losses around the world, Al Qaeda has more than 18,000 potential terrorists and its ranks are growing because of the conflict in Iraq, a leading think tank warned Tuesday.Good job, George. Here's another article about the study: Al-Qaeda Boosted By Iraq War, Warns Think-Tank Post #108550550975621439 Sunday, May 30, 2004 Rewards of a 90-Hour Week: Poverty and Dirty LaundryMost laundry workers earn less, often far less, than the minimum wage of $5.15 an hour. Gabriela Mendez, a veteran of six Manhattan laundries, said one paid her $230, or $3.19 an hour, for a 72-hour week, while at another she earned $220, or $2.45 an hour, for a 90-hour week.Those employers should be thrown in jail, as punishment, and as a deterrent to others. Poll Stunner: Veterans Deserting Kerry:Veterans now prefer Bush over Kerry by a whopping 13 points - 54 to 41 percent.A typical Newsmax misleading headline. Nobody expects Kerry to win the veterans vote. The question is, how much better for Kerry is 51-41 than what the Democrat usually gets. I bet it's much better. Post #108598293750589060
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