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Friday, May 14, 2004 We Face A Fork in the RoadAmerica, today, spends more on armaments and military than all the other nations of the world, combined. We refuse to join treaties to protect human rights and the environment that nearly all other nations endorse. UNDP indicates that but a small fraction of our present military expenditures could solve all the worst problems of human misery and poverty, on a global basis. Yet, our administration seems rather uninterested in this prospect. Identifying and pursuing enemies, instead, has captured their interest (terrorists versus communists, this time around).Jesus would send him and all the other right-wing pseudo-Christians to hell! Let us Hope the Darkness has Passed[E]conomists cheering from the pages of corporate newspapers inform us that the GDP growth rate is phenomenal, unprecedented. Shops are overflowing with consumer goods. Government storehouses are overflowing with grain. Outside this circle of light, the past five years have seen the most violent increase in rural-urban income inequalities since independence. Farmers steeped in debt are committing suicide in hundreds; 40% of the rural population in India has the same foodgrain absorption level as sub-Saharan Africa, and 47% of Indian children under three suffer from malnutrition.In India also, the war against the poor continues apace. Post #108459425081195778 Lieberman: Why Rumsfeld Must StayWarning that forcing the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld "would delight foreign and domestic opponents of America's presence in Iraq," Connecticut Democratic senator Joseph Lieberman said only solid proof that Rumsfeld has a hand in the abuse of Iraqi prisoners would justify his removal from the president's Cabinet.Why doesn't this jerk get it over with and become a Republican? Post #108459393153580212 Bremer: U.S. Will Leave Iraq if RequestedThe U.S. governor of Iraq told regional officials Friday that the United States would leave Iraq if requested to do so by the new Iraqi government...Yeah, right. Post #108459357602738795 Bishop: Bar communion for abortion-rights votersA Colorado Bishop, in one of strongest stands yet taken by a U.S. Roman Catholic church leader, says communion should be denied to people who vote for candidates supporting such issues as abortion rights, gay marriage, euthanasia and stem cell research.A typical right-wing pseudo-Christian, ranting and raving about issues Jesus never said a word about, but ignoring the life-and-death issues that Jesus explicitly linked to whether you will be blessed with salvation or not. Post #108459306834323702 Detainees Suffer Terror at US Hands; Red Cross Says Torture Part of Deliberate Tactic Read this if you want a litany of pictures yet to come. Post #108457486427939313 Some Critics of Wal-Mart Joining Forces to Change ItUnion leaders, academics and community activists plan to hold an unusual meeting in Washington today to begin mapping out a strategy to check Wal-Mart's growing power and to press the company to improve its wages and benefits.The Devil's-own corporation. Post #108457463703113053 Chickenhawk Groupthink?In a 1972 book, 'Victims of Groupthink: A Psychology Study of Foreign-Policy Decisions and Fiascoes', Irving Janis identified the Vietnam War and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as particularly compelling examples of how very smart people can collectively make very stupid decisions.Very interesting as applied to the Bushians and Iraq. An alternative explanation: they're bloodthirsty assholes. A second alternative explanation: they're possessed by the devil. Post #108457451183835809 A Double Ordeal for Female Prisoners If there are any photos of sexual abuse of Iraqi women -- and I read somewhere there is a picture of a rape, and numberous photos of Iraqi women forced to expose their breasts -- then the you-know-what is really going to hit the fan. Post #108457371590098635 Harsh C.I.A. Methods Cited in Top Qaeda Interrogations Well, if we're going to use torture, we should just admit it. Denying it makes us look like hypocritical torturers, admitting it makes us look like honest torturers. I guess the latter is better? Post #108457340639907452 Thursday, May 13, 2004 Why Media Stood Silent When Torture Cases First Came To LightWhy are we hearing so few demands from media outlets that the Pentagon release ALL of its photos and VIDEOS?Good question. War Crimes Have Doomed the Occupation For those with a taste for all the details, this article cites relevant specific provisions of the Geneva Conventions that the U.S. has violated in Iraq. Post #108450973631857601 Jobs Down, Thumbs UpMore than 82 per cent of the jobs created in April were in service industries, including restaurants and retail, while the biggest new employers were temp agencies. Over the past year, 272,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost.Not all jobs are created equal. Post #108450845657760439 McDonald's Plans Slowed by Heart Disease and CancerMcDonald's moved swiftly to name a chief executive when James R. Cantalupo died of a heart attack on April 19. But relief over the quick appointment of Charles H. Bell was followed by concern a short time later over the news that he had colorectal cancer.Poetic justice? Heart attacks and colorectal cancer are linked to meat-eating! Post #108448755179558922 Big Gap Found in Taxation of Wages and InvestmentsAmericans are being taxed more than twice as heavily on earnings from work as they are on investment income, even though more than half of all investment income goes to the wealthiest 5 percent of taxpayers, a new study has estimated.Those who make the rules make them to enrich themselves, not anyone else. Post #108448744684362959 Senator Wants Higher Penalty for Tax AbuseArguing that the Bush administration's plan to crack down on tax shelters is too weak to deter abuses by accounting and legal firms, a leading Democratic senator plans to offer an amendment today that would triple the White House's proposed penalty for promoters of phony tax shelters.Could there ever be CLEARER PROOF that the Bushians WANT there to be tax fraud by the rich?! If a guy robs a bank, do you try to recover only 50% of what he stole? Of course not, you want it ALL back, and then some. So by what logic would you fine someone aiding tax fraud only 50% of what they made in the tax fraud scheme? ONLY if you don't really want to prevent the tax fraud. Post #108448724476060730 If Affirmative Action Fails . . . What Then?Mr. Anderson will surprise many with his reminder that the federal government did not commit itself to affirmative action until the Republican administration of Richard M. Nixon. Racial hiring preferences had been declared illegal after President Lyndon B. Johnson's brief experiment with them. Nixon revived them, Mr. Anderson says, partly from political calculations. Democratic liberals would be forced to defend and expand Nixon's affirmative action policy. Black hiring preferences would supersede white workers' hard-won seniority rights, thus driving a wedge between union members and black voters. Nixon was able to capitalize on the division by the end of his first term, turning against his own initiatives and other strong remedies, like court-ordered busing. As Nixon hoped, white rank-and-filers abandoned the Democrats in droves.I hadn't realized this was also part of Nixon's Southern strategy. Post #108448676075940147 Findings from a New National Poll show support for Impeachment, Growing Opposition to War on TerrorismReporting from an ongoing survey of public knowledge and opinion, Berkeley based NGO Retro Poll released startling results suggesting that 39% of Americans favor impeachment of President Bush.What's really startling is that 61% don't. They're the living (brain) dead of America. Post #108447820909879472 Bush Approval Ratings Head Into Dangerous Territory Nice summary of many sources. Post #108447788094305147 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 I'm always criticizing Susan Estrich, but I must admit, aside from her opening frozen grin wooden dummy appearance, when she started talking the other night on Hannity & Colmes, she was kicking some ass. O'Reilly hasn't been there all this week on his TV program. That's unusual for a sweeps month. Where's Bill? Hiding under his desk? Post #108440662095490336 Mistreatment of Prisoners Is Called Routine in U.S.The corrections experts say that some of the worst abuses have occurred in Texas, whose prisons were under a federal consent decree during much of the time President Bush was governor because of crowding and violence by guards against inmates. Judge William Wayne Justice of Federal District Court imposed the decree after finding that guards were allowing inmate gang leaders to buy and sell other inmates as slaves for sex.Bush is exporting his Texas practices around the world. Post #108440586428454888 Texas Town Pays High Human Cost for Iraqi WarLatinos make up 8.2 percent of the work force qualified to join the military but represent 9.5 percent of the military's enlisted ranks, according to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center. Latinos are also overrepresented among soldiers who handle weapons on the front lines, accounting for 17.7 percent of that category.Cannon fodder,anyone? Shameful. Post #108440569267536536 Iraqi-Americans, Split on Prospects, See Little Progress'The only way this feeling is going to be calmed is when I see Bush, Cheney and Wolfowitz naked with bags on their heads,' she said.Ah, such justice is not likely, but the thought is sweet. Post #108440554920585455 U.S. General Admits Using TortureMaj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, said this week that several interrogation techniques used by American military intelligence since Sept. 11 will now be forbidden at all detention facilities in Iraq.Let all those who pooh-pooh concern over such methods, answer the simple question: is it okay for others to use such methods on U.S. troops when captured? I somehow don't think the answer will be yes. See also this editorial: The Military Archipelago Post #108440535934936481 Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Bill O'Reilly always says that he's not against adult material being broadcast, only that it not be accessible to children, especially those he calls "unsupervised", in other words, without parents to guide their viewing and listening. O'Reilly is on when kids are still up, and whenever he's having a segment about sexual stuff -- which is quite often, especially during sweeps months -- O'Reilly will warn that the next segment isn't for kids. Now I don't know how that helps with the "unsupervised" kids O'Reilly says he is especially concerned about, since such a teaser will make it completely certain that they will avidly watch that upcoming segment. But one night last week O'Reilly didn't even provide such a minimal warning before he launched into a segment where he played a graphic discussion on Oprah of what are in effect teenage blowjob parties. How was O'Reilly protecting the folks' kids then? Tape of Air Traffic Controllers Made on 9/11 Was DestroyedAt least six air traffic controllers who dealt with two of the hijacked airliners on Sept. 11, 2001, made a tape recording a few hours later describing the events, but the tape was destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a transcript or even listening to it, the Transportation Department said Thursday.This makes Rosemary Woods look like an amateur! Post #108433515130930673 I.R.S. Gives Shelter Users a DeadlineThe Internal Revenue Service yesterday gave thousands of wealthy investors until June 21 to disclose their use of an abusive tax shelter that cost the government billions of dollars in taxes. Those who do not turn themselves in will face bigger fines and, possibly, the agency in court.Will the Bush IRS really get these cheating bastards? Let's wait and see. Post #108433502579416710 70% to 90% of Iraq Prisoners 'Arrested by Mistake' Oh, torture them anyway, it's a good way to build character. Post #108433395768364735 Behemoth: Wal-Mart SteamrollerWal-Mart's low wages make 'half their [employees'] families eligible for the federal food stamp program and government-funded health care for their children,' the San Francisco Chronicle reported this month.Wonderful Wal-Mart! Post #108433368967610716 British Army 'Killing Civilians' The last time around in Iraq, the British proved adept at killing Iraqi civilians, so I guess they haven't lost their touch. Post #108433276297544437 Monday, May 10, 2004 Iraqis Report Deepening Doubts About Legitimacy of the US-led OccupationFor the first time, according to Dulame's poll, a majority of Iraqis said they'd feel safer if the U.S. military withdrew immediately.Are we in the top of the ninth already? Rights Groups Demand That U.S. Open All Detention Facilities You think the Bushians would ever allow this? How could they? Torture would be exposed all over the world. Post #108424831190137274 An Ugly Prison Record: Given the Way it Treats its own Inmates, America Shouldn't be Shocked at the Abuse of Iraqis I'm not, are you? Post #108424791903548870 Bush Circles Wagons, But Cavalry Has Joined the IndiansSecretary of State (and former army general) Colin Powell compared the possible impact on U.S. foreign policy of the abuse photographs to the 1969 disclosure of the infamous My Lai Massacre in Vietnam.Even the Army Times has gone commie. Where is Joseph McCarthy when you need him? Call Ann Coulter and ask her to raise McCarthy from the dead the next time she conducts one of her Satanic rituals. Post #108424695604519739 Red Cross Report Describes Systemic Abuse in Iraq'We were dealing here with a broad pattern, not individual acts. There was a pattern and a system.'Inside the Cells of Abu Ghraib: The CIA Privatized Torture And it's not just in Iraq: here's more on the long history of CIA-sponsored torture around the world. Post #108422373832358232 Kurt Nimmo: Limbaugh and the Babes of Abu Ghraib Limbaugh is deservedly slammed for his imbecilic comments. Post #108422348870689289 Sunday, May 09, 2004 Catholics Against Kerry Website What a joke. There should be a Catholics against Bush website for all the right-wing pseudo-Christian actions he's taken. Chavez Consolidates Power With Castro Agents The Bushians apparently don't think they have their hands full enough with Iraq! Post #108416655068628413 The Picture the World Sees[S]ome people didn't even mind the pictures. Rush Limbaugh told his audience last week that the whole thing reminded him of a 'Skull and Bones initiation.' He argued that the torturers should be cut a little slack: 'You ever heard of emotional release? You heard of need to blow some steam off?'I guess he'd say the same thing if U.S. troops had been treated like that by their captors? Post #108413004998434489 Pentagon okayed tough questioning methods What a euphemism. In other words, they ok'd illegal torture. Post #108408789145172780
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